309.00 BGN

Brand: Tesy
Art.№: ТG CH 5035B12TSR
Barcode: 1400503512

Shop, Iv. Pashov: 1

  • Обем 50л.
  • Mощност – 2000 W
  • Меден нагревател
  • Изводи за ел. част – отляво или отдясно
  • Гаранция – 5 години

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Модел BiLight Slim 50 H
Нетен обем 50 L
Височина 0.353 m
Широчина 0.803 m
Номинална мощност 2000 W
Дълбочина 0.380 m
Монтаж Хоризонтален
Гаранция 5
Време за загряване Δt 45K (15 - 60°C) 1:18 h:min
Годишна консумация на ел.енергия AEC 1418 kWh
Енергиен клас C
Диаметър 353 mm
Профил на източване M
V40 78 L
Tout of the box 70 °C
MAX40 78 L

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Note: All prices, specifications and photos are subject to change without notice. Availability and prices may vary due to technology time required to update prices. The company is not responsible for typographical or illustrative errors. All product photos are illustrative. A discrepancy between the image and the real item is possible, without changing its main parameters and characteristics. All prices on the site are in Bulgarian leva and include VAT 20%.

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The development of the website was financed by the European Union - NextGenerationEU in implementation of project No. BG-RRP-3.005-1292-C01,
under procedure BG-RRP-3.005 "Solutions in the field of information and communication technologies and cybersecurity in small and medium-sized enterprises"